Take a stroll in the
heels of Kerry

empowering women to find that spark within
and express themselves through fashion

Clothes aren’t just garments that you put on your body. They are an expression of how you feel within yourself. They have the ability to bring you joy when you’re feeling down, and an extra confidence boost when you need it most.

Usually women seek out a fashion stylist when they want to feel a million bucks for an event, but why wait for a special moment when you can wear what makes you feel best every single day. That’s where Kerry comes in, she empowers women to see their beautiful, radiant selves. When they look in the mirror she wants them to start seeing the amazing woman that everybody else sees in them.

Style Sessions

About Kerry

The thing about being a fashion stylist is that everyone thinks you’ve got your life sorted, that you look and feel fabulous and glamorous every single day, and that you never go down the road of comparing yourself. Unfortunately, Kerry says that’s not exactly true! She is just like you.

She is a woman in her fifties who has dedicated her time to her 2 beautiful daughters, building a home, building a life with her family, and building and growing her business.

A part of her job that she absolutely loves is that she gets to learn all about her clients and their life stories. She gets to really see who they are, and perhaps what they haven’t shown the world. It’s during these sessions that she hears the stories of life’s trials but also how passionate, strong and amazing these women really are.

Kerry’s job is simply to show the world that. To get them to a point of confidence where they show up every single day feeling they can be who they are to their core!

It’s during these times that she feels she can also share a part of who she is and that most online don’t get to see. Until now…this is what this personal website is all about, giving others the chance to really get to know the real Kerry.

So here goes nothing, from Kerry herself!

The big move to


…I grew up in England and always wanted to move as far away as possible from the UK as I always thought there had to be a better place to live somewhere else.  I used to watch American and Australian TV shows and thought that they just had the best life. So I first came to Australia when I was 18. I fell in love with the country and married an Australian man that I had met in England.

But prior to moving to Australia full time, we lived in Saudi Arabia for a few years. That was an experience in itself! Think about it, imagine being a 21 year old having to abide by the strict rules that Muslim women had to adhere to. It was safe to say I broke the rules a few times and I was very fortunate to not get caught out.

I then went to Bahrain and got a job with Gulf Air as a flight attendant and absolutely loved that lifestyle. Travelling the world was a dream! From that adventure I hopped into another: Malaysia. It was only for six months but it was an amazing experience.

Living in the Middle East as a woman finally took its toll on me and I headed back to Australia on my own. It was inevitable, and our marriage broke up.

I decided to do some travelling around Australia, and met my now amazing husband, Steve in Airlie Beach whilst working a stint in hospitality.

My trials who have made me
the person I am today

For those who get easily triggered by more sensitive subjects, I would say skip this part. But I am here to be as open about myself as possible. Life hasn’t been easy, as you can see in both the above and the below, life has been the ultimate roller coaster. But these experiences I am about to share have been the hardest by far.

Motherhood wasn’t easy to come by, I worked hard to have the children that I get to love unconditionally. I have two girls, Ella and Anna who are now 16 and 12 and they were given the chance to live this life through IVF. Anybody who has gone through IVF or knows someone who has, knows what a toll it takes on your mindset, your body, your family and your finances. Then there was my son, my rainbow baby, Wil. Like my girls, Wil was an IVF baby, devastatingly he was stillborn at full term. No one should ever have to experience something like this.

But it doesn’t stop there, in 2017 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The Big C as people call it. I’m very open to talking about this experience with a lot of my clients as too many of them have experienced it for themselves or know someone close who is. Although this was hard to go through, I have learnt the most from this experience than the others.

I have this perspective of life that we need to make the most of each day, don’t wait, we need to live the life that we want to live, don’t sweat the small stuff, we can only control the controllables and we need to listen to our bodies. This is the advice I give to others.

The Rise of Kerry’s

Style Sessions…

Prior to having my children I did a beauty therapy course and opened up a beauty salon, with a friend who was my business partner.  The partnership fell apart very quickly. The stress of it all wasn’t healthy so I left, used what I’d learnt and decided to give it a shot on my own.

I started working from home, doing beauty. Everything was self taught about business and everything was a big life learning experience.

And like most mothers I stopped working when I had children. They became my life.

It wasn’t until the kids were older I then got into Network Marketing. This is when things came back full circle. I had fallen in love with selling skincare and make up products, and it reminded me of the time in my earlier business when I was a mobile make up artist.

But I was ready to grow, I wanted more…

Then I was introduced to business mentoring and personal development, that led me to what you know me for now, it opened up the opportunity for me to get into styling.

Everything that I've loved and wanted to do, I've actually done. Which is a trait I’m really proud of. I have always loved fashion and helping people with their clothes, I’ve loved doing hair and makeup, creating a transformation and making people feel beautiful.

Quick Fire Round

If that wasn’t enough, here is a quick fire round, think of it like a speed date!

Photo of Kerry Brownell recording on her phone



Favourite colour:

Hot Pink

Favourite Food:

Pepperoni pizza

My Coffee Order:

Half strength latte with almond milk

Favourite Music:

British pop from the 80’s & 90’s

When Kerry was little she wanted to be:

A member of the royal family or someone famous!

Fun fact about Kerry:

On her recent trip to the UK, she struggled to pack the right clothes for herself and felt like most days she wasn’t put together very well at all, and ended up buying Clothes from the local supermarket, Tesco.

If there is one thing Kerry would like you to leave
with it’s knowing…..Styling is all about creating an
optical illusion, it’s as simple as that!

Kerry’s Style


Style is about more than just looking good – it’s about feeling good too. That’s why we take a personalised approach to each of our styling sessions.

Kerry’s Style Sessions is here to help transform the way you think and look at clothes, styling and yourself.

Based in Warners Bay, all of our services are designed to help you feel your best from head to toe.

Say goodbye to style confusion and hello to a new, confident you.

Book your session with Kerry today and let us help you unlock your full potential.

Kerry’s whole reason for doing this is because she wants you to know the possibilities that are out there for you.

You don’t have to look in the mirror and think “well that will have to do”, instead her purpose is to empower women to take that leap, take control of their identity and when they stand in the mirror they think, “Watch out world here I come.”

She gets it more than anyone that a personal styling session can be confronting but Kerry promises you if you are looking into it, it will be the best thing for you. You will leave the session wondering why you hadn’t done it sooner. And she is there for you every step of the way!

“The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence”

- Beyonce

In the wise words of Beyonce, so it must be true, however the women that come to Kerry are usually anxious and slightly intimidated. Confidence is a huge pill to swallow. It doesn’t happen overnight and she isn’t going to lie to you, it’s one of those things that you have to be really wanting to achieve.

Want to join forces ?

Kerry is one passionate force of a human being. If you ever get the chance to meet her, her energy is absolutely infectious. She is always up for a good laugh, always ready to lend an ear, always there for her clients, friends and her family.

Now that you know that she is all about empowering women to gain back their confidence and redefine their identity, if you have a project that you are working on in
alignment with Kerry’s purpose, don’t be afraid to reach out!

Kerry is interested in collaborating with the following projects:

  • Product endorsements

  • Podcast guest experiences

  • Speaking engagements

  • Guest Blogs

  • Story takeovers

  • Panel guests

  • Campaigns that really align with her brand and purpose

Contact Kerry

If you love what Kerry is all about and what she stands for and you’re looking to get some of her exciting energy across your way, fill out the form below and she will get back to you within 24-48 hours!